
来源 :家庭科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhxg
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1996年下岗在家,因无事可干,心情很苦闷。正在彷徨观望时,有一件事使我产生了创业的想法:我丈夫在市总工会上班,业余时间喜炊培养饮用红茶菌(海宝,胃宝),他收集了不少珍贵资料,也总结了一套较好的培养方法,在当地小有名气。红茶菌是一种纯天然保健饮品,具有强身、益寿、美容三大功效,经常饮用能防治肠胃病等二十多种疾病,味道酸甜可口,如柠檬汁、杨梅汁,男女老幼常饮不厌。由于丈夫工作忙,业余时间培养的红茶菌往往供不应求。我想,红茶菌放在家里都有人上门求购,如能推向市场肯定能赚钱。我把想法告诉丈夫,他很赞成我的意见。在丈夫的精心指导下,我学会了培养红茶菌 In 1996, she was laid off at home because she had nothing to do and she was very depressed. While I was watching, there was one thing that led me to the idea of ​​starting a business: My husband worked in the city’s confederation, and during her spare time, he happily cultivated Kombucha (Haibao, Weibao). He collected a lot of valuable information, and he also summarized it. A good method of cultivation is well known in the local area. Kombucha is a natural health drink with three functions: physical strength, longevity, and beauty. It is often used to prevent more than 20 diseases such as stomach and intestines. Its taste is sweet and sour, such as lemon juice, bayberry juice, men, women and children. Drink not tired. Due to her husband’s busy work, the kombucha cultivation cultivated in her spare time is often in short supply. I think that Kombucha has people at home to buy, if you can certainly push the market to make money. I told my husband my idea. He was in favor of my opinion. Under the guidance of her husband, I learned to cultivate kombucha
“as…as”形式一样的短语,在不同的语境中,意义不同。下面浅析几例,以飨读者。一、as well as1)as well as意为“和、同”,起并列连词的作用。My parents as well as my el
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Even though I’m a guy,I worry a lot about my weight.I know what it’s like to be fat,so I’m carefulabout what I eat. The typical girl at my high school wants