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目前中国粮食储备包括中央、地方和农村储备。从保障国家粮食安全这个意义上讲,因为有半数以上的粮食仍储存在农户手中,农户储粮的安全直接关系到国家的粮食安全。由于农户储粮条件差、保粮食手段落后,特别是农户存粮批量少,品种多,增加了储粮管理上的难度,因而损失相当严重,主要有虫害损失、霉变损失、鼠雀危害。据报道,由于农村存储条件差、储粮技术落后等原因,受虫,霉变、鼠害等造成的损失率在8%-12%,有些地区高达30%。但有关中国农户储粮损失率的报道数据差别很大,主要原因是损失调查统计的方法不一致。针对这一问题,在对现有国内外农户储粮损失评估方法研究的基础上,分别对虫鼠害、散落各项损失的测定方法进行了评介,希望能对建立中国农户储粮损失的测定方法进行了评介,希望能对建立中国农户储粮损失评估方法的标准化有所促进。 At present, China’s grain reserves include central, local and rural reserves. In the sense of guaranteeing national food security, since more than half of the grain is still stored in the hands of farmers, the safety of grain stored by farmers is directly related to the country’s food security. Due to the poor grain storage conditions of farmers and the lagging of food preservation methods, especially the small quantity of staple food stored in farmers and the large variety of grain storage, the difficulty of management of stored grain has been increased. As a result, the losses are quite serious with the main problems of pest loss, mildew loss and rat harm. It is reported that due to poor storage conditions in rural areas, grain storage technology and other reasons, by insects, moldy, rodent damage caused by the rate of 8% -12%, up to 30% in some areas. However, the reported data on the loss of stored grain of Chinese farmers varies greatly, mainly due to inconsistent methods of statistics on losses. In response to this problem, on the basis of the existing research on the evaluation methods of stored grain losses of peasant household at home and abroad, respectively, the methods of determination of pests and scattered losses were reviewed, hoping to establish the measurement of the loss of stored grain of peasant households in China Method, and hope it can promote the standardization of establishing the evaluation method of grain loss of Chinese farmer.
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