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周恩来总理诞辰111周年之际,我在上海拜访了一位和周总理有着千丝万缕联系的人。他就是总理的堂侄,南开大学经济学教授、周恩来研究中心的研究员、北京大学社会学教授周尔鎏。周教授一生经历丰富。“四清”和“文革”期间,他曾经在纸浆厂、纺织厂、瓷器厂和煤矿跟工人一起劳动过;在河南、山西等地和农民一样干活,有二年时间甚至住在农民存放“寿材”的没有窗户的草屋里;上世纪70年代,在外事口、文化口当过司局长;上世纪80年代组织上安排他到上海,出任上海社会科学院院长或者交通银行行长,进市委委员,他选择了上海社会科学院并且已经报到,可是又被组织上调回北京,拟出任对外友协副会长。当时邓颖超是对外友协名誉会长,为避嫌,他应费孝通荐请,出任北京大学副校长,担任“中国发展研究中心”主任,其间领衔城乡协作发展研究国家重点课题工作,提出“因地制宜,多样模式,随势应变,不失时机”的16字研究方针;曾陪同周恩来总理多次接待外国重要来宾,在工作上和总理有过多年的接触;此外还曾设法促成《邓小平文选》英文版在海外出版;离休后,欧美一些著名大学发来聘书请他去当教授……他总结自己的一生就是:工农商学兵都干过,党政军民学全齐了。周教授还向我表示虽然并无出色的工作成就可言,但始终牢记总理的亲自教诲,尚能一切尽力而为。周教授是位性情中人,至今走过全国各地以及60多个国家和地区,到过世界许多角落。———整理者题记 On the occasion of the 111th anniversary of Premier Zhou Enlai’s birthday, I visited a man who was inextricably linked with Premier Zhou in Shanghai. He is the nephew of the prime minister, a professor of economics at Nankai University, a researcher at Zhou Enlai Research Center, and Zhou Erhuan, a sociology professor at Peking University. Professor Zhou has a rich life experience. He worked with workers in pulp mills, textile mills, porcelain warehouses and coal mines during the “Si Qing” and “Cultural Revolutions.” He worked as a farmer with Henan Province and Shanxi Province for two years or even In the 1970s, he was secretary of the department for foreign affairs and culture. In the 1980s, he arranged for him to go to Shanghai as the director of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences or Bank of Communications Governor, into the municipal committee, he chose the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and has been registered, but has been raised back to Beijing organized to be appointed vice president of the Association of Friends of. At that time, Deng Yingchao was honorary president of the Association of Friendship with Foreign Countries. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, he should be invited by Fei Xiaotong to be Vice President of Peking University and to serve as the director of China Development Research Center. During that time, he led the work of the State Key Project of Urban- “According to local conditions, a variety of models, with the change of circumstances, without losing the opportunity,” the 16-character research approach; Premier Zhou Enlai had been accompanied by many important guests to receive foreign guests, and the Prime Minister has worked for many years in contact; also tried to promote “Deng Xiaoping Selected Works” After the retired, some famous universities in Europe and the United States sent letters of invitation to invite him to be professors ... He summed up his life as follows: All the workers and peasants and commercial soldiers had done so, and the party, government, army and civil studies were all in line. Professor Zhou also told me that although there are no outstanding achievements in the work, he always keeps in mind the personal teachings of the premier and can do everything in his power. Professor Zhou is a natural person and has traveled all over the country and over 60 countries and regions to many corners of the world. --- Finisher inscription
吸烟的大军可以说遍布全社会,而中小学生中烟民的人数也相当多,尤其是一些后进生容易与烟亲近。 上初二的小刚,六年级时迷上摇滚乐,对一些歌星吸烟的“派头”十分崇拜,觉得
大陆集团旗下的康迪泰克(Conti Tech)输送带公司宣布已收购一家名为Univerzal Kolubara的塞尔维亚输送带公司。收购协议于2009年4月6日签订。康迪泰克集团表示这是公司向东欧