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《城市房地产管理法》实施已有3年了,这一法律的实施,对于加强房地产管理、保护房地产权利人的合法权益、促进房地产市场的健康发展都起了十分积极的作用。3年来,我们依据房地产管理法的规定,陆续出台了一些规章,使得房地产管理的法规体系日趋完善。《城市房地产管理法》规定“国家实行房地产权属登记制度”。我部最近颁发的《城市房屋权属登记管理办法》就是这一制度的具体体现,是房地产法规体系中的重要规章。现在我就《城市房屋权属登记管理办法》的有关情况作个简单介绍。一、为什么要制定《城市房屋权属登记管理办法》房地产权属管理是房地产管理的基础和核心工作,也是建立房地产市场经济、维护房地产市场秩序、促进房地产业发展的前提。政府进行权属管理的主要手段就是建立权属登记制度。1987年,建设部颁发了《城镇房屋所有权登记暂行办法》,并部署开展了房屋所有权总登记,用了3年多的时间,基本完成了这项工作。全国城镇已有近80%的房屋进行了房屋所有权登记,权利人获 The implementation of the Law on Urban Real Estate Management has been implemented for three years. The implementation of this law has played a very positive role in strengthening the management of real estate, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of real estate owners and promoting the healthy development of the real estate market. In the past three years, according to the provisions of the Law on Real Estate Management, we have successively promulgated some rules and regulations so that the regulatory system of real estate management is maturing. “Urban Real Estate Management Law” provides that “the state real estate ownership registration system.” Recently issued by the Ministry of “urban housing ownership registration management approach” is a concrete manifestation of this system is an important regulation in the real estate regulatory system. Now I will make a brief introduction on the relevant conditions of the Measures for the Administration of Urban Housing Ownership Registration. First, why the development of “urban housing ownership registration and management approach” Real estate ownership management is the basis and core real estate management, but also to establish a real estate market economy, maintaining the order of the real estate market and promote the development of real estate premise. The government’s ownership of the main means of ownership is to establish tenure registration system. In 1987, the Ministry of Construction issued the Interim Measures for Registration of Urban Housing Ownership, and deployed and implemented the total registration of ownership of houses. It took more than three years to complete the work basically. Nearly 80% of the houses and towns in the whole country have been registered with the ownership of the houses, and the right holders have been registered
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