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提出了一种新型的基于反射光栅干涉仪的低背景光谱仪,当使用工作在背景限制条件下的探测器时,降低背景噪声,有利于提高光谱仪系统的探测率,进而可提高光谱仪的信噪比.由于理想反射镜发射率为零,故其干涉仪组件无黑体辐射.因此,基于低温光源、低温探测器和光栅干涉仪的光谱仪,其探测到的背景辐射大幅降低.进而得到低背景下的探测率实现灵敏探测.理论分析表明随背景辐射的降低,背景限制条件下探测器的探测率可大幅提高.理想情况下,对工作在背景限制下的碲镉汞探测器,当由300 K的背景辐射降至77 K时,其探测率和相应光谱仪的信噪比可提高三个数量级.另外,与之前报导的低温迈克尔逊光谱仪相比,它结构紧凑且无需对干涉仪降温,易于搭建.该设计对红外灵敏探测有重要意义. A new low background spectrometer based on reflection grating interferometer is proposed, which can reduce the background noise when using the detector working in the background limit condition, which is beneficial to improve the detection rate of the spectrometer system and improve the signal to noise ratio of the spectrometer Since ideal reflectors have zero emissivity, their interferometer components have no black body radiation, so the detected background radiation is greatly reduced by the spectrometer based on low temperature light source, cryogenic detector and grating interferometer, and then the low background Detection rate to achieve sensitive detection.Theoretical analysis shows that with the reduction of background radiation, detection rate of the detector under background limitation can be greatly improved.Under ideal circumstances, working in the background of the mercury cadmium telluride detector, when the 300K The detection rate and the corresponding signal to noise ratio of the spectrometer can be increased by three orders of magnitude when the background radiation is reduced to 77 K. In addition, it is compact and eliminates the need to cool the interferometer and is easy to set up compared to the previously reported low temperature Michelson spectrometer. The design of infrared sensitive detection of great significance.
大面积混凝土的平整度指标直接影响着整个工程的使用品质,进而影响到施工方的声誉。本文就大面积水泥混凝土平整度的施工进行了初步的探讨。 Large area of ​​concrete fl