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老屋后面有个小土包,一丈多高,绕一圈50步,背靠一条小溪。春天里土包上长满了野草闲花,时有翩跹的蝴蝶和嗡嗡的蜜蜂来访。就在这个土包下,住着一只老龟。听我爸说,它还是在我太爷建老屋时来我们家定居的,至今已快100年了。小时候,爸扶着我站在老龟背上,它竟能驮着我爬行,好大的力气!那次爸称了它的体重,有9斤6两,距现在也有40年了,看上去它似乎并没有长。自从家里来了老龟,我爷我奶满心欢喜,因为龟的寿命长,能和寿星住在一起当然高兴,就经常在老龟住的洞口撒点鲜谷陈米,扔些小虾小鱼什么的,大热天里还在洞口放盘水。老龟通人性,见我们家大人小孩都对它好,也就不再惧怕我们,有时它还爬出洞口在家后 The back of the old house there is a small bag, a foot tall, around 50 steps in a circle, backed by a stream. The spring bag of soil covered with weeds, flowers, time-honored butterflies and buzzing bees visit. Just under the soil bag, lived an old turtle. Listen to my dad, it is still settled in our home when my grandfather built the old house, which is almost 100 years old. As a child, Dad helped me stand on the back of the old turtle, it could actually carry me to crawl, great effort! That dad called it the weight of 9 pounds 6 two, 40 years now, looks It does not seem long. Since the family came to the old turtle, my God and my milk full of joy, because the turtle’s long life, living together with the longevity of course, happy, often in the hole in the old turtle sprinkle some fresh rice Chen rice, throw some shrimp fish what The hot day is still in the hole water. Old turtle humanity, see our family adults and children are good for it, no longer afraid of us, and sometimes it climbed out of the hole at home
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