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玄天阁设计札记吴国智玄天阁座落于广东省潮州市古城北面金山东麓的韩江边,北阁景区中部靠城墙根的陡立崖壁上(图1)。北阁景区始建于宋,形成于明、清,历代屡有兴废,至本世纪初已尽遭毁塌。新的建设时期,百废俱兴,这一湮没已久的胜景才得以重建。玄天阁体量虽小,... Xuan Tian Ge Design Notes Wu Guozhi Xuantian Pavilion is located on the edge of the Hanjiang River in the east of the ancient city of Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province. The central area of ​​the North Pavilion is located on the steep cliff of the city wall root (Figure 1). Beige Scenic Area was built in the Song Dynasty and formed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It has been repeatedly used in the past and has been destroyed by the beginning of this century. In the new construction period, all kinds of things are flourishing, and this long-awaited victory has been rebuilt. Xuan Tian Ge is small, but...
我家有一只小狗,水灵灵的眼睛,湿湿的鼻子,还有一个圆圆的大肚子。它最喜欢玩皮球了,只要我把皮球一扔出去,它就立刻撒腿去 My family has a puppy, water Lingling eyes, w
有3只小鸟,它们一起出生,一起长大,又一起从巢里飞出去,一起寻找成家立业的位置。它们很快飞到一座小山上。一只小鸟落到一棵树上说:“哎呀,这里真好, There are three smal
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安徽省水电开发利用较早,现有机组均已运行20年以上,已面临更新改造时刻,作者认为对旧机组的改造应结合增容和采用新型转轮,以增加效益。 Anhui hydropower development and utili
著名作家周明,陕西周至人。1955年毕业于兰州大学中文系。历任《人民文学》杂志常务副主编,中国作协创联部常务副主任,中 Famous writer Zhou Ming, Shaanxi Zhou people. 1
本文从人物层次、悲剧类型对满族新城戏《铁血女真》与莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》中的悲剧精神进行比较,发掘两部戏剧的深刻意义及价值。 This article compares the tragedy
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本文从民营中小企业业绩管理体系的现状出发,提出民营中小企业业绩管理的条件和保障措施以及进行业绩管理应该注意的问题及对策。 Based on the status quo of the performa