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时尚是一条河,我们都是摸着石头过可如果不是17岁那年的勇敢选择,现在的李晖也许还是一名排球运动员。李晖是地道的北京女孩,13岁就长到了170cm,被选去了什刹海体校。读高一时,学校选拔优秀学员参加中日交换计划,李晖就是其中之一,家人和学校都希望她用心打球,将来在奥运会上为国争光。然而,李晖固执地认为其实自己不是打球的料。她是个左撇子,反应略慢,耐力和速度也只是中等。虽然也和其他球员一样剪着短发,终日穿着肥大球衣, Fashion is a river, we are all feeling the stone over If not a brave choice of 17 years old, and now Li Hui may also be a volleyball player. Li Hui is an authentic Beijing girl, aged 13 to 170cm, was chosen to go to Shichahai Sports School. Reading high school, the school selection of outstanding students to participate in the exchange program between China and Japan, Li Hui is one of them, the family and the school hope her intention to play ball, in the future for the glory of the Olympic Games. However, Li Hui stubbornly think that in fact they are not playing materials. She is a left-hander, a little slow, endurance and speed is only moderate. Although also cut the same short hair and other players, all day wearing a fat shirt,
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“软弱的人不会永远软弱,就像强大的人有时也不会那么坚强一样”  可怜小姐是我的高中同学,她个子不高,坐在教室的第一排,头发短短的,总是泛着一层不怎么美好的油光。  她高度近视,戴着很厚的眼镜,每次写字的时候头几乎都要埋进桌子里。她不怎么自信,没什么朋友,总喜欢躲在角落里看着大家讨好而尴尬地笑或者满脸的冷漠。  如果高中校园有食物链,那么可怜小姐便是生活在食物链最底层的人,所有人都可以欺负她,她的存
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