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2013年6月,中国外交部部长王毅与荷兰外交大臣提玛曼斯达成协议,约定荷兰将在中国重庆设立总领事馆。重庆成为继北京、广州、上海和香港之后,荷兰使领馆在华的又一个驻地选择。其实,重庆与荷兰的情缘,早在70多年前就开始了。陪都重庆的新任荷兰公使1942年1月8日清晨,一辆小轿车停在了重庆旧城中心南面的望龙门码头。同时,一艘蒸汽轮 In June 2013, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reached an agreement with Dutch Foreign Minister Timothy Mannman to agree that the Netherlands will establish a consulate general in Chongqing, China. Chongqing became another resident choice for the Chinese embassy and consulate in China following Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong. In fact, the love affair between Chongqing and the Netherlands started as early as 70 years ago. A New Dutch Minister Accompanying Chongqing In the early morning of January 8, 1942, a car parked at Wang Longmen Wharf, south of Chongqing’s Old City Center. At the same time, a steam turbine
The hydrogen storage properties of a Li-Mg-N-H material doped by a 4 mol.% Ti3Cr3V4 body centre cubic(BCC) alloy hydride and prepared with a ball-milling method
思明区篑筜街道是以湖命名的美丽城区,地处厦门市政治、文化、金融的中心,它不仅仅因依山傍水而美丽,更是因经济实力铸就而璀璨。近年来,在思 Siming District Gaocheng Str