
来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mathan
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In order to explore the classification and factors of errors and to reduce the occurrence of errors,it is necessary to take an investigation and to make error analysis on listening component in a mock test,and then to give some feasible suggestions so as to lead the junior three students to practice more pertinently.This paper is based on an English mock test of high school entrance examination in the Chepaizi middle school of Xinjiang. In order to explore the classification and factors of errors and to reduce the occurrence of errors, it is necessary to take an investigation and to make error analysis on listening component in a mock test, and then to give some Possible suggestions so as to lead the junior three students to practice more pertinently.This paper is based on an English mock test of high school entrance examination in the Chepaizi middle school of Xinjiang.
  目的:探讨临床药师参与临床抗感染治疗实践中发挥的具体作用.方法:收集2011年1月~2013年4月临床药师参与临床感染性疾病会诊病例表242 份,结合其临床病历进行回顾性调查分析
  目的 总结临床中药师在我院开展中药学临床服务的内容和解决的问题及体会。方法 结合临床中药师在我院工作的情况,详细叙述了在我院开展中药学服务的内容以及发现并解决的
  目的 了解我院处方中存在的问题,促进处方开具规范化,提高处方质量,保障合理、安全使用药物.方法 根据《卫生部处方点评管理规范》对我院2013年每月处方进行抽样点评,并对结