
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenthing
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Massive MIMO systems offer a high spatial resolution that can drastically increase the spectral and/or energy efficiency by employing a large number of antennas at the base station(BS).In a distributed massive MIMO system,the capacity of fiber backhaul that links base station and remote radio heads is usually limited,which becomes a bottleneck for realizing the potential performance gain of both downlink and uplink.To solve this problem,we propose a joint antenna selection and user scheduling which is able to achieve a large portion of the potential gain provided by the massive MIMO array with only limited backhaul capacity.Three sub-optimal iterative algorithms with the objective of sumrate maximization are proposed for the joint optimization of antenna selection and user scheduling,either based on greedy fashion or Frobenius-norm criteria.Convergence and complexity analysis are presented for the algorithms.The provided Monte Carlo simulations show that,one of our algorithms achieves a good tradeoff between complexity and performance and thus is especially fit for massive MIMO systems. Massive MIMO systems offer a high spatial resolution that can drastically increase the spectral and / or energy efficiency by employing a large number of antennas at the base station (BS) .In a distributed massive MIMO system, the capacity of fiber backhaul that links base station and remote radio heads is usually limited, which becomes a bottleneck for realizing the potential performance gain of both downlink and uplink. To solve this problem, we propose a joint antenna selection and user scheduling which is able to achieve a large portion of the potential gain provided by the massive MIMO array with only limited backhaul capacity. Three sub-optimal iterative algorithms with the objective of sumrate maximization are proposed for the joint optimization of antenna selection and user scheduling, either based on greedy fashion or Frobenius-norm criteria. Legal and complexity analysis are presented for the algorithms. provided Monte Carlo simulations show that, one of our algorithms achieves a good tradeoff between complexity and performance and thus is especially fit for massive MIMO systems.
曾几何时,科幻大片中的未来医疗场景曾让观众无比震撼:《西部世界》中的3D生物打印、《星球大战》中卢克天行者的机械手臂、《黑客帝国》中的虚拟世界……  这一幕幕预想,曾经为人们展示了拥有无限可能的智慧未来。但也仅此而已,对于当初观影的人们来说,科幻也只不过是科学幻想,离变成现实仍有很远的距离。  但科技发展的速度远远超越了人们的想象,当初那个遥远的未来如今已悄然而至。如今,机器手臂、3D生物打印器官
站在以5G、云计算、人工智能为代表的“新基建”高速发展的路口,医疗健康领域也面临着全新的发展机遇。5G、人工智能、大数据中心、物联网感知、云计算等先进技术,已在医疗实践中逐渐转化为一线产品,并不断积极探索成为助推国家与社会发展的公共应用。  而互联网医疗在新基建中无疑也是一股重要的推动力量。  2020年新冠肺炎疫情暴发后,线下诊疗渠道受阻、资源紧张,互联网医疗服务广度得到了拓宽,以在线咨询问诊为