Technical improvements of Baosteel EAF bloom caster production line

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjdy110
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This paper presents the improvements on equipment and process technologies of Baosteel EAF Bloom Caster Production Line.By using the new VOD equipment,super low carbon super 13Cr was successfully made;By applying and developing the Soft Reduction technology,very good results were achieved on high quality steel grades such as tire cord steel,bear steel,hi-alloy steel;the ladle Anti-Slag Detector is normally applied,based on the detail analysis during the performance test period,the Detector gives out slag entrapment alarms 7-9 s average before slag flows into tundish.By optimizing production control points of each key process,great achievements are realized on high quality steel grades such as tire cord steel,bear steel,hi-alloy steel and hi-S/Al steel,etc.Some achievements and technical indices are presented,too. This paper presents the improvements on equipment and process technologies of Baosteel EAF Bloom Caster Production Line. By using the new VOD equipment, super low carbon super 13Cr was successfully made; By applying and developing the Soft Reduction technology, very good results were achieved on high quality steel grades such as tire cord steel, bear steel, hi-alloy steel; the ladle Anti-Slag Detector is normally applied, based on the detail analysis during the performance test period, the Detector gives out slag entrapment alarms 7-9 s average before slag flows into tundish.By optimizing production control points of each key process, great achievements are realized on high quality steel grades such as tire cord steel, bear steel, hi-alloy steel and hi-S / Al steel, etc.Some achievements and technical indices are presented, too.
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