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直升机在空中以旋翼打尾梁形态的飞行事故占相当比例.差不多都造成直升机报废,并且往往造成人员伤亡。在我国的民用直升机运行中,先后发生过三起在空中旋翼打尾梁的重大飞行事故,报废直升机三架,机上人员全部遇难。随着我国改革开放的发展和国民经济发展水平的提高,势必促使民用直升机的数量逐渐增加。研究直升机在空中旋翼打尾梁的机理,明确预防措施,对避免发生同类飞行事故,提高我国民用航空安全水平是很必要的。一、在我国发生的民用直升机在空中旋翼打尾梁的飞行事故 Helicopters occupy a substantial proportion of flying accidents in the form of tailgates in the air, leaving almost all helicopters to be scrapped and often causing casualties. In the operation of civilian helicopters in our country, there have been three major flying accidents involving the tail rotor of the airborne rotor and three scrapped helicopters. All the crew members were killed. With the development of China’s reform and opening up and the improvement of the national economy, it is bound to gradually increase the number of civilian helicopters. It is necessary to study the mechanism of helicopters playing tailgun on air rotors and to make clear preventive measures so as to avoid the occurrence of similar flight accidents and improve the safety level of civil aviation in our country. First, civil helicopters took place in our country in the air wing hitting the tail beam flight accident
角膜基质内环 (ICRS)由 2个 1 5 0°的弧形PMMA半环组成 ,植入角膜基质后 ,可改变角膜前表面曲率 ,用于治疗轻、中度近视。美国食物与药品管理局 (FDA)在评估该手术安全性和有效性的Ⅱ期
Ni-Fe-Mo-Co alloy electrode was prepared in a citrate solution by electrodeposition, and then Mo and Fe were partially leached out from the electrode in 30% KOH
本文在论述环境税的含义、类型的基础上,归纳分析了主要OECD国家和部分其他国家环境税征收现状,并总结了环境税发展的基本特点与趋势。 On the basis of discussing the mea
The corrosion behavior of pure aluminum in FeCl3 solution was investigated mainly by in-situ AFM(Atomic Force Microscopy).The results of combined researches of
要创一流的机关后勤管理 ,干部队伍建设是第一要素。机关后勤管理工作 ,是党政机关工作的重要组成部分。兵马未动 ,粮草先行。这就是说 ,要全面推进新形势下的机关后勤工作 ,