Advances of Long Noncoding RNAs-mediated Regulation in Reproduction

来源 :中华医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mc76759
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Objective:Advances in genomics and molecular biology have led to the discovery of a large group of uncharacterized long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs).Emerging evidence indicated that many lncRNAs function in multiple biological processes and its dysregulation often causes diseases.Recent studies suggested that almost all regulatory lncRNAs interact with biological macromolecules such as DNA,RNA,and protein.LncRNAs regulate gene expression mainly on three levels,including epigenetic modification,transcription,and posttranscription,through DNA methylation,histone modification,and chromatin remodeling.LncRNAs can also affect the development of diseases and therefore be used to diagnose and treat diseases.With new sequencing and microarray techniques,hundreds oflncRNAs involved in reproductive disorders have been identified,but their functions in these disorders are undefined.Data Sources:This review was based on articles published in PubMed databases up to July 10,2017,with the following keywords:long noncoding RNAs,LncRNA,placentation,and reproductive diseases.Study Selection:Original articles and reviews on the topics were selected.Results:LncRNAs widely participate in various physiological and pathological processes as a new class of important regulatory factors.In spermatogenesis,spermatocytes divide and differentiate into mature spermatozoa.The whole process is elaborately regulated by the expression of phase-specific genes that involve many strains of lncRNAs.Literature showed that lncRNA in reproductive cumulus cells may contribute to the regulation of oocyte maturation,fertilization,and embryo development.Conclusions:LncRNA has been found to play a role in the development of reproduction.Meanwhile,we reviewed the studies on how lncRNAs participate in reproductive disorders,which provides a basis for the study of lncRNA in reproduction regulation.
Background:The aim of this study was to design and assess the effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Matricaria chamomilla (MC) on preantral follicle culture of m
目的 总结卵巢恶性肿瘤综合治疗的护理体会.方法 对26例患者的术前、术后护理及化疗毒副反应的护理进行详细介绍.结果 26例患者经精心护理达到满意的效果.结论 围手术期及化
目的 通过观察不同护理学措施干预下溃疡型结肠炎(UC)(肝郁脾虚型)患者CD4和CD8分子表达情况,探讨情志护理对肝郁脾虚型UC患者T淋巴细胞免疫调节作用的影响.方法 将符合诊断
β-淀粉样蛋白(amyloid β-protein,Aβ)相对分子质量约4000,由β淀粉样前体蛋白水解而来,在细胞基质沉积后具有很强的神经毒性作用.Aβ1-40与Aβ1-42是最常见的两种蛋白,分别由40个和42个氨基酸组成.Aβ与包括阿尔茨海默病及淀粉样脑血管病(cerebral amyloid angiopathy,CAA)在内的多种疾病关系密切[1].既往对Aβ的识别主要依靠特异性抗体通过