
来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pp1010pingban
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Backgroud:The cerebral infarction is one of the major reasons which cause deathes or disabilities in the aged.The initiaion factors of cerebral infarction were increased aggregation of the platelets and released thromboxane synthase(TXA2).Tehenzyme caused the aggregation of the platelets and the constration of blood vessels and so caused the formation of thrombus.Danao(Ozagren sodium)may inhibit the synthesis of thrombus synthase,inhibit synthesis of platease and facilitate production of Prostaglandin synthase.
本文对 8例脑性瘫痪 (脑瘫 )患儿开展早期运动康复干预 , 效果显著 . 现报道如下 . rn1 对象与方法 rn1.1 对象 1999年 4月~ 2000年 4月以来我科门诊就诊的脑瘫患儿共 8例 ,
脑卒中所致的肢体功能障碍 , 严重影响着日常生活活动 (ADL)能力 . 通过早期有针对性的按患肢肌力分级进行康复护理 , 防止患肢废用性肌肉萎缩和关节僵直 , 在短期内能最大限
2年来我科收治的 47例脑卒中恢复期患者 , 配合康复护理 , 取得满意效果 . rn1 对象与方法 rn1.1 对象本组 47例男 37例 , 女 10例 ; 年龄 70岁 5例 , 病程 17 d~ 6个月 . 所
1997年 10月~ 2000年 6月我科住院及体检的 452例中 , 患高脂血症者有 75例 , 占住院体检总人数的 16.59% , 可见对患者及其家属的健康宣教已势在必行 . rn1 对象与方法 rn1.1
促进冠状动脉腔内成形术 (PTCA)术后病人早日康复 , 减少或限制术后并发症的发生 , 对 1995年 1月~ 2000年 10月在心内科住院行 PTCA术的 1192例病人 , 开展个体化健康教育 ,
Background:Diabetes mellitus is one of risk factors leading to acute cerebral vessel disease(ACVD),and people have paid more attention to the fact that increase
Objective To observe and investigate the correlation of hemodynamic change of cerebral vessels and functional disturbance in cerebral infarction patient.Methods
1 Rehabilitative instructions for ignorant elder patientsDue to their ignorance,ignorant elder patients often cant understand and accept rehabilitation knowledg
China is one of the nations and areas where the cerebral apoplexy occurs in highest incidence rate.Different degree of neurologic impairment is found in approxi