Study on the Chemical Constituents of Chlorogenic Acids from the Dried Leaves of Lonicera similis He

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[Objective] To study the chemical constituents in the dried leaves of Lonicera similis Hemsl., so as to provide guidance for its further utilization and finding out new active substance. [Method] Chlorogenic acids were isolated and purified by solvent extraction and column chromatographic methods, and then identified by various spectroscopic methods. [Result] Six compounds were isolated from the dried leaves of Lonicera similis Hemsl., including chlorogenic acid (I), chlorogenic acid methyl ester (II), chlorogenic acid ethyl ester (III), 5-caffeoyl-1, 3-quinide (IV), methyl 3, 4-di-O-caffeoyl quinate (V) and methyl 3, 5-di-O-caffeoyl quinate (VI). [Conclusion] Apart from the chlorogenic acids, other compounds were extracted from this plant for the first time. [Objective] To study the chemical constituents in the dried leaves of Lonicera similis Hemsl., So as to provide guidance for its further utilization and finding out new active substances. [Method] Chlorogenic acids were isolated and purified by solvent extraction and column chromatographic methods , and then identified by various spectroscopic methods. [Result] Six compounds were isolated from the dried leaves of Lonicera similis Hemsl., including chlorogenic acid (I), chlorogenic acid methyl ester (II), chlorogenic acid ethyl ester (III), 5 -caffeoyl-1, 3-quinide (IV), methyl 3, 4-di-O-caffeoyl quinate (V) and methyl 3, 5- di-O-caffeoyl quinate , other compounds were extracted from this plant for the first time.
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罗 晨,重庆市第一中学教师。  关于中学阶段文言文的教学,论者颇多。从文言文的教学理念,到教学内容和教学法都有着广泛的讨论。而在翻看众多的关乎文言教学的论著和论文之中,笔者发现,中学语文文言文教学之中“重言轻文”的现象几乎被每一个论及文言文教学的作者给作为靶子,用批判这种普遍的现象从而得出自己的立论。总结归纳起来,大概有如下几类:  一、认为传统中学语文文言教学中对于字词过于重视,而忽略了课文本身