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兴安盟有茫茫草原,密密森林,有淙淙泉水,巍巍青山,风光旖旎迷人。然而,这个地方给我印象最深的还不是自然景色,而是兴安盟人。我们访问了乌兰浩特市的工厂企业,边陲城镇阿尔山,兴安林区、察尔森草原上的蒙古包,以及多民族聚居的三合村,与盟,旗各级领导进行座谈。一般说来,采访对象总是希望记者把他们的工作成绩宣传报道出去,而我感到,兴安盟人更迫切的是希望给他们提供尽量多的经济信息,为他们开发经济出些新点子,提些好建议。他们很看重记者,认为这些人走南闯北,上知中央精神,下晓各地不少情况。无论座谈 Hing UNITA has the vast grasslands, dense forests, there Qionglai spring, towering Castle Peak, beautiful scenery attractive. However, this place gave me the deepest impression is not the natural scenery, but the Xingan League. We visited the factories and enterprises in Wulanhaote, the Aershan in Xionglai Town, the Xing’anlin District, the Mongolian yurt in the Jarden steppe, and the Sanhe Village where people live in multi-ethnic groups, and held discussions with leaders at all levels of the Union and the flag. Generally speaking, the interviewees always hope that the reporters will report out their work performance, and I feel that the Xing’an League people even more urgently want to provide them with as much economic information as possible to develop new ideas for their economy. Some good advice. They value the journalists very much and think that these people went south and went to the north to know more about the central government and to know more about the situation there. No matter the discussion
近日,一则和中小学生紧密相关的消息,引起了广泛热议。国家卫健委办公厅印发了《健康口腔行动方案(2019-2025年)》,该方案明确提出,开展“减糖”专项行动,中小学校及托幼机构限制销售高糖饮料和零食,食堂减少含糖饮料和高糖食品的供应,同时,实施少儿口腔健康检查、窝沟封闭、局部用氟等口腔疾病干预模式,在2025年把龋患率控制在30%以内。为什么会有龋齿?  龋齿俗称“虫牙”或“蛀牙”,是由牙菌斑引起