
来源 :广西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianshu888
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玉米青枯病是国内七十年代初期才引起人们注意的一种玉米病害。据山东、浙江、吉林等省报道为害较重,局部地区还有发展趋势。我们对此病在我区的发病情况进行了初步的调查,发现也相当普遍和严重,给玉米生产带来较大的损失。对于此病的病原,有认为是非侵染性病害,也有认为是细菌性的,目前大多数人都倾向于是由镰刀菌引起的。现将我们近年来调查研究的初步结果报道如下: Corn bacterial wilt is a kind of maize disease that people noticed in the early 1970s. According to Shandong, Zhejiang, Jilin and other provinces reported more serious damage, there are local trends. We conducted a preliminary investigation on the incidence of this disease in our district and found that it was quite common and serious, which brought great losses to corn production. For the pathogen of the disease, there are non-infective diseases, there are also considered to be bacterial, most people tend to be caused by Fusarium. The preliminary results of our investigation and study in recent years are reported as follows:
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一、干旱多灾的基本气候特征 1.中部干旱地区干旱多灾是基本气候特征。主要灾害有早、雹、霜冻、低温、阴雨等。干旱有春旱、春末初夏旱、伏旱和秋旱。据通谓县分析:春旱机
草地螟(Loxostege sficficalis L)又名黄绿条螟、甜菜网螟,属鳞翅目螟蛾科,是横跨北温带北部欧、亚、美三大洲的大害虫。在国外,主要分布在苏联、波兰、保加利亚、罗马尼亚
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