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它从2G到3G,再到现在的4G时代,人们已经很满足于这样的通信质量和网络速度了。但就在不久前,有媒体报道了“华为碾压高通,拿下5G时代”的新闻,此消息一出,立刻就在网络上炸开了锅:难道5G时代真的来了吗?这次,它又将带来哪些变革;当然,也有人质疑报道的真实性,认为它名不副实。首先,了解5G,我们需要知道除了华为所说的编码技术之外,它还有哪些关键技术?又能给我们带 It is from 2G to 3G, and now the 4G era, people are already very satisfied with the quality of such communications and network speed. But not long ago, some media reported that “Huawei RCC, won the 5G era,” the news, the news came out, immediately blasted the Internet: Is the 5G era really come? This time, it will bring about changes in turn; of course, some people questioned the authenticity of the report, that its unworthy of name. First of all, understand 5G, we need to know in addition to the coding technology Huawei said, what are the key technologies? And give us the band
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Cytokines are small secreted proteins that bind to specific receptors and act in a primary autocrine or paracrine manner.Cytokines play important roles in the i