Green synthesis of fluorescent carbon quantum dots and carbon spheres from pericarp

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flytraker
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An economical idea was developed to synthesize fluorescent carbon quantum dots(CQDs) directly from the refluxing extraction of orange pericarp via a hydrothermal technique. Hydrothermal temperatures and times were adjusted to control the particle sizes and the quantum yields of the obtained CQDs. The as-prepared carbon quantum dots showed narrow particle size distribution, good water solubility, and acceptable fluorescence lifetimes. Due to their high stability, these obtained carbon quantum dots have great application potential in nano-biotechnology. Furthermore, carbon spheres with uniform morphology and size can be easily obtained as the reaction byproducts of this green synthesis process. An economical idea was developed to synthesize fluorescent carbon quantum dots (CQDs) directly from the refluxing extraction of orange pericarp via a hydrothermal technique. Hydrothermal temperatures and times were adjusted to control the particle sizes and the quantum yields of the obtained CQDs. The as- Due to their high stability, these obtained carbon quantum dots have great application potential in nano-biotechnology. Furthermore, carbon spheres with uniform morphology and size can be easily obtained as the reaction byproducts of this green synthesis process.
杀草丹,化学名N.N——二乙基硫赶氨基甲酸对氯苄酯。英文名为Benthiocarb。对小鼠经口LD_(50)为560 mg/kg。 患儿,女,4岁,因误服杀草丹20~30 ml,2小时后入院。体检:神志清晰,
改革开放以来 ,广东的旅游业从小到大、从弱到强 ,形成了相当的产业规模 ,初步建立起一个各方面基本配套的旅游生产力体系。旅游业正在成为广东国民经济发展中的速度快、投入
旅游业的快速发展 ,使我国许多地区都把旅游业做为推动经济发展的重点产业。随着国际旅游业向亚太地区转移 ,以及我国法定节假日的增多 ,“假日经济”现象的出现 ,必将对旅游
Started with the discussions on the value orientation of urban water supply industry marketization,the article points out that the current urban water supply in
一、强化发展措施 ,大力推进“旅游兴县”战略星子是经济小县 ,工业规模小 ,科技含量低 ,产品竞争力不强 ;农业耕地少 ,未形成规模特色。同时 ,又是旅游资源大县 ,境内有秀峰