
来源 :高电压技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wszlzsjava
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The electrical tree discharge channel will be formed at concentrate spot of electric field in solid insulation dielectric, in order to study the difference of electrical tree under different electrical field, the short-cable electrode system with actual XLPE cable was designed, experiments were performed under 12 kV, 15 kV, 18 kV, 21 kV compare to the needle-plate electrode system. Experiment results show that the electrical tree of short-cable electrode system have the same growth trend with the needle-plate electrode system in the growing characteristic, the dense of electrical tree increase with the increase of voltage level, electrical tree of short-cable electrode system growth is slower than the needle-plate electrode system at the same voltage;To get the same shape of electrical tree, the voltage of short-cable electrode system must be higher than needle-plate electrode system, the results show that the semiconductor layer and the copper shield layer outside of XLPE cable have very important affection on the electrical trees degradation.
We present a comparison of data obtained during testing of lightning protective system of a residential structure in rocket-triggered lightning experiment at th
摘 要: 高校扩招后更要注重培养学生的专业素质能力。本文作者认为,应通过举办大型学生课外活动,寓专业知识于活动中,发挥其教育功能,激发学生的学习热情,从而提高学生的专业素质水平,使学生更加适应社会需要和时代发展,同时也为社会输送更多优秀的人才。  关键词: 高校 学生活动 专业素质    为了提高大学生的实践能力,把实践育人的意识落到实处,可以通过大学生专业素质能力的实践教学,可以把第一课堂的教学
分析了750 kV输电线路取消远跳保护就地判别装置的可行性,提出以光纤差动保护的远跳功能代替远跳保护、实现远跳保护与光纤差动保护一体化配置的方案,简化了装置和二次回路,