Hospital admissions for anaphylaxis in Istanbul, Turkey

来源 :世界最新医学信息文摘 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hualing_xue
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Background There are very limited data characterizing the epidemiology of anaphylaxis from low- and middle-income country settings. We aimed to estimate the frequency of anaphylaxis admissions to hospitals in Istanbul.Methods We obtained data from all 45 hospitals in Istanbul over a 12-month period and used ICD-10 codes to extract data on those admitted with a recorded primary diagnosis of anaphylaxis. Because of concerns about possible under-coding, we undertook an additional analysis to identify patients admitted with two or more clinical codes for symptoms and/or signs suggestive of, but not coded as having, anaphylaxis.Results A total of 114 cases (79 people with anaphylaxis codes and 35 with symptoms and signs suggestive of anaphylaxis) were identified, giving an overall estimate of 1.95 cases per 100 000 person-years.Conclusion The novel two-stage identification approach employed suggests significant under-recording of anaphylaxis in those admitted to hospitals in Istanbul. Background There are very limited data characterizing the epidemiology of anaphylaxis from low- and middle-income country settings. We aimed to estimate the frequency of anaphylaxis admissions to hospitals in Istanbul. Methods We obtained data from all 45 hospitals in Istanbul over a 12-month period and used ICD-10 codes to extract data on those admitted with a recorded primary diagnosis of anaphylaxis. Because of concerns about possible under-coding, we undertook an additional analysis to identify patients admitted with two or more clinical codes for symptoms and / or signs suggestive of, but not coded as having, anaphylaxis. Results A total of 114 cases (79 people with anaphylaxis codes and 35 with symptoms and signs suggestive of anaphylaxis) were identified, giving an overall estimate of 1.95 cases per 100 000 person-years .Conclusion The novel two-stage identification approach employed suggests significant under-recording of anaphylaxis in those admitted to hospitals in Istanbul.
地铁如时钟循环往返,  希望在时光流转里时隐时现。  2007年5月,又是一个草木葱茏的春天。  古老的萨格勒布,有一些故事正在萌芽。  一群怀揣梦想的年轻人,  在站台上翘首盼望。    4月13日,厦门体育中心乒乓球馆。虽然现场有将近二百人,但是你的耳朵里听不到除乒乓球以外的任何一丝杂音。这里,正举行着一场决定某些人命运的乒乓球赛——“直通萨格勒布”第三阶段比赛,两天9场比赛之后,有三个人将直
镧通常存在于独居石、硅铈石、褐帘石、镧石、氟碳铈矿及氟碳酸钙铈矿等矿物中,在这些矿物内镧的含量除铈以外比其他希土元素都要高一些,如在独居石中就含 La_2O_3 14~30%。
Under normal metabolic conditions insulin stimulates microvascular perfusion(capillary recruitment) of skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue and thus
拐点    2003年,刘刚从澳大利亚回国,开始了艰难的职业拳击推广之路。2003年到2005年,他先后举办了三场WBA洲际拳王挑战赛,将一些男选手推上了职业拳台。2005年,国家体育总局跆拳道管理中心负责人常建平在广州观看了拳王挑战赛后告诉刘刚,在拳击方面,中国女孩的资质很不错,比如张喜燕。这是刘刚第一次对张喜燕的情况有所了解。  刘刚的初衷是推广男子职业拳击,常建平的话让他开始重新思考自己的定