Mid—Autumn Festival in other Asiancountries

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  Influenced by Chinese culture, Mid-Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival in some Southeast and Northeast Asian countries. However, the customs are different in different countries.
  The Japanese also celebrate the festival on August 15th of Chinese lunar calendar. When the festival was introduced into Japan from China about 1,000 years ago, the custom of appreciating the moon while holding a party formed, named “Moon Appreciation Party”. Although the Chinese lunar calendar is not used in Japan any more, the custom of moon appreciation is kept in many places of the country. The festival food in Japan is not moon cake, but glutinous rice cake.
  Mid-Autumn Festival is a big event in South Korea, also called “Thanksgiving Day” by local people. People there enjoy a three-day holiday, when they go back to hometowns to visit families and relatives. Another custom is sending gifts to relatives and friends. So during the festive days, sellers think out many ways to attract buyers, including giving discounts. The special food is muffins.
  To Singaporeans, Mid-Autumn Festival is a good time to make friendly contacts, express thanks, and give greetings and best wishes to relatives, friends, and business partners by the way of sending moon cakes. As the country is a famous tourist destination, local people never miss the chance to attract tourists. They decorate Orchard Road, river banks, Chinatown, Chinese Garden and other places to welcome tourists worldwide.
  Eating moon cakes, appreciating the moon and parading with lanterns have been the Mid-Autumn Festival custom of Malaysian Chinese for generations. During the festival, old-brands promote moon cakes; special counters are set up in shopping malls to sell moon cakes; newspapers, TV programmers are thick with moon cake advertisements. Besides the parade, there may be lion and dragon dances, fancy car parades and other celebrations.
  According to Thai legend, on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, the Eight Immortals go to the Moon Palace to send peach-shaped cakes and birthday greetings to Guanyin. So their offerings usually include some peach-shaped cakes. All family members, men and women, the young and old, sit around the table with offerings to worship the moon, pray and exchange greetings.
  The leading roles of Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam are children. As the day approaches, markets are full of lanterns and toys in spite of moon cakes. When adults eat moon cakes and appreciate the moon on that night, children usually play around with their beautiful lanterns. During the days, people there also hold Mid-Autumn Festival competitions to see who can make the most beautiful lantern.
  glutinous rice cake n. 江米团子
  muffin n. 松饼
  Orchard Road n. (新加坡)乌节路
  lantern n. 灯笼
  worship v. 敬拜
  approach v. 接近
  (What do you usually do on Mid-Autumn Festival?)
  Jessie 改编
1987~1996年,笔者采用自拟中药通结汤结合西药支持疗法治疗先天性巨结肠4例,疗效满意,现总结如下。临床资料 诊断标准按《实用儿科学》下册(诸福棠等主编.第4版.北京:人民卫
出生于湖南安乡县安福乡松湖村的全国植棉劳动模范唐纯银有着令人钦羡的经历:两次受到毛泽东接见。  新中国成立之前,全国乃至全世界的植棉水平很低,每亩仅产皮棉10公斤左右。给地主当放牛娃出身的唐纯银就探索改5月苗为3月苗,改撒播为点播,改宽垄为窄垄,改单一施肥为综合肥等,并且改写了洞庭湖地区700多年的植棉方式。  在探索棉花高产过程中,他在选种育种、播种移栽、中耕松土、合理密植、巧施肥料、防治病虫、