Women Working in Meteorology

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IN June of 1997, the Fengynn No. 2 meteorological satellite fixed itself in a synchronous orbit 35,800 kilometers above the Earth. Domestically designed and produced, this satellite filled an important gap in China’s space-based weather equipment: the Fengyun No. 2 can provide cloud charts about one third the area of the Earth with the longitude of central China as its center. It has already begun to play an important role in medium- and short-range forecasting, as well as tracking disastrous weather patterns. The Moving Control Division under the State Satellite Meteorological Center is the headquarters for the gronnd IN June of 1997, the Fengynn No. 2 meteorological satellite fixed itself in a synchronous orbit 35,800 kilometers above the Earth. Domestically designed and produced, this satellite filled an important gap in China’s space-based weather equipment: the Fengyun No. 2 can provide It has already begun to play an important role in medium- and short-range forecasting, as well as tracking disastrous weather patterns. The Moving Control Division under the State Satellite Meteorological Center is the headquarters for the gronnd
这是一个冬季里难得的温暖日子,虽然是早晨,太阳却善解人意地奉上丝丝热流,温暖着每个人的心。 北京丰台医疗中心医院三病区陈文云主任军医,如往常一样迈着坚定的脚步走进他
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研究根据SC/T 3025-2006《水产品中甲醛的测定》中的分光光度定量分析法,检测本地水发产品中的甲醛含量。通过15个样品检测分析,发现在同样检测条件下,样品的吸光度值低于0.01A(浓度值0.05μg/mL)时,改变收集蒸馏液体积和吸取蒸馏液体积,样品中甲醛含量结论截然不同。
南昌起义迄今已七十年了。闻名遐迩的朱德同志,利用他的威望和社会关系,创办军官教育团,并任南昌市公安局长。为南昌起义建立了不朽殊勋,彪炳青史,光照千秋。 朱德青年时代