Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemical Projects——A Case Study of a Polystyrene Production Project

来源 :Meteorological and Environmental Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darling1989
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Taking a polystyrene production project as an example,according to Technical Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment of Construction Projects( HJ /T169-2004),we firstly identify the risk of substances and production process to determine the major source of danger,and then conduct source analysis and consequence prediction of the maximum credible accident,finally assess the environmental risk of the project and propose main risk management measures. The results reveal that the environmental risk of the project is acceptable,and it is suggested that some risk prevention and mitigation measures as well as contingency plans should be established. Taking a polystyrene production project as an example, according to Technical Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment of Construction Projects (HJ / T169-2004), we initially identify the risk of substances and production process to determine the major source of danger, and then conduct source analysis and consequence prediction of the maximum credible accident, finally assess the environmental risk of the the project and propose main risk management measures. The results reveal that the environmental risk of the project is acceptable, and it is suggested that some risk prevention and mitigation measures as well as contingency plans should be established.
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