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7月6日,文艺报刊载刘浏、池茂花合写的长篇通讯《文艺战线的焦裕禄——彭一》,介绍了献身党的文艺事业的优秀共产党员彭一的感人事迹。“政声人去后,民意闲谈时”。这幅古联说的是一个领导者究竟为政如何,要等这个领导者离职后,从群众的闲谈中才能知道。但彭一却是人犹在位,事迹就已为周围的人们广泛传扬。山西话剧院的文艺工作者纷纷向新闻界呼吁:“记者们一定要来写写我们的彭一。”彭一是山西省话剧院院长、党总支书记。40 On July 6, the literary newspaper contained Liu Li and Chi Maohua, co-written communication “Jiao Yuelu - Peng Yi,” a literary and art front who introduced the touching story of Peng Yi, an outstanding party member devoting himself to the literary and art undertakings of the Party. “Political voice go, public opinion chat.” This old article says what a leader really wants to do. After the leader has left the job, he can only know from the masses’ chats. But Peng Yi is still in place, deeds have been widespread around people. Shanxi Literature and Art Department writers and writers have appealed to the press: “Reporters must write to write our Peng.” Peng Yi is the director of Shanxi Provincial Theater, party branch secretary. 40
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