论坛商机无限 开启财富走廊 盛会硕果彰显新疆魅力

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50个国家和地区,22个国际协办单位,1565家参展企业,7387.33亿元人民币签约额。圆满闭幕的第三届中国一亚欧博览会,刷新了前两届的纪录,这是中国新疆的魅力,也是改革开放的魅力。从2011年首届博览会的横空出世,到2012年第二届的探索完善,经过两年的洗礼,第三届中国一亚欧博览会成功实现转轨定型,绽放出愈发夺目的光彩。 50 countries and regions, 22 international co-organizers, 1,565 exhibitors, and 738.733 billion yuan in contracted amount. The 3rd China-Asia-Europe Expo, which was successfully concluded, set a record for the first two sessions. This is the charm of China’s Xinjiang and is also the charm of reform and opening up. From the birth of the first Expo in 2011, to the second session of the 2012 exploration and improvement, after two years of baptism, the third China-Asia-Europe Expo successfully completed the transition to stereotypes, and bursting with even more dazzling brilliance.
经过努力,我终于来到了洛杉矶,准备开始我的留学生活。前来接机的好友John自然是(?)尽地主之谊。临走前,他还善意地提醒了我一下。 After hard work, I finally came to Los
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My birthday is on May 25th. On my birthday, I can receive many presents. Last year, I was very happy on my birthday. On my birthday I asked my classmates, my au
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