
来源 :战术导弹技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc1314
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本文讨论了指令制导的地空导弹法向过载的等强限制问题。在假定弹上从指令电压到过载的稳态传递系数为常数的前提下,在制导站中如对λ、u_k进行限幅,且满足u_(k0)=Kλ_0时,将得到正八边形的法向过载限制规律。它以8%的误差近似地实现了法向过载的等强限制,为制导系统的设计提供了依据。 In this paper, we discuss the isoquercivity limitation of the command-guided surface-to-air missiles in the normal overload. Assuming that the steady-state transfer coefficient from the command voltage to the overload on the projectile is constant, if the λ, u_k are clipped at the guidance station and u_ (k0) = Kλ_0 is satisfied, a regular octagon method To limit the law overload. It approximately equal to the error of 8% to achieve the normal strength of the overload limit, the guidance system for the design provided the basis.
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“微媒体”理论探讨1.“微媒体”的涵义:“微媒体”(Vmeti Media),就是通过短小精炼的文本、音像等形式,作为文化传播手段,向受众传达信息的载体中介,例如以微博、微信等新兴
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目的对有关7种用以治疗儿童和成人部分性和全面性难治性癫癎的新型抗癫癎药物(AEDs):加巴喷丁(gabapentin, GBP)、拉莫三嗪(lamotrigine,LTG)、托吡酯(topiramate,TPM)、噻加
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1 丙型肝炎与艾滋病混合感染特点全球丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染者约2亿;艾滋病毒(HIV)感染者约3500万。在 HIV 感染者中约1/3混合 HCV感染。混合 HCV、HIV 感染途径以不洁输血
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