Expression and immunoactivity of chimeric particulate antigens of receptor binding site-core antigen

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenrongxu222
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AIM: To improve the immunogenicity of receptor binding site of hepatitis B virus (HBV) on preS1 antigen using HBV core antigen as an immuno-carrier.METHODS: One to 6 tandem copies of HBV preS1 (21-47)fragment were inserted into HBcAg at the sites of aa 78 and 82, and expressed in E. coli. ELISA, West blot and animal immunization were used to analyze the antigenicity and immmunogenicity of purified particulate antigens. The ability to capture HBV by antibodies elicited by chimeric partides was detected with immuno-capture PCR.RESULTS: Recombinant antigens CⅠ, CⅡ, CⅢ carrying 1-3 copies of HBV preS1 (21-47) individually could form viruslike particles (VLPs), similar to HBcAg in morphology. But recombinant antigens carrying 4-6 copies of HBV preS1 (21-47) were poorly expressed in E.coli. Chimeric antigens were lacking of immunoreactivity with anti-HBc monoclonal antibodies (McAbs), but still reserved good immunoreactivity with anti-HBe McAbs. CⅠ, CⅡ, CⅢ could strongly react with anti-preS1 McAb, suggesting that preS1 (21-47) fragment was well exposed on the surface of chimeric VLPs. Three chimeric VLP antigens (CⅠ, CⅡ and CⅢ) could stimulate mice to produce high-level antibody responses, and their immunogenicity was stronger than non-particulate antigen 21-47*6, containing 6 copies of preS1 (21-47). Mouse antibodies to CⅠ, CⅡ and CⅢ were able to capture HBV virions in immuno-capture PCR assay in vitro.CONCLUSION: Chimeric particulate antigens of receptor binding site-core antigen of HBV can elicit strong antibody responses to preS1. They have a potential to be developed into prophylactic or therapeutic vaccines against HBV infection.
目的:利用生物信息软件预测分析空肠弯曲菌FlgH蛋白的T-B细胞联合表位,为后续表位疫苗研究提供依据.方法:使用TMHMMServer V2.0、SignalP 4.1、IEDB、Epitope Prediction等在
目的 分析研究糖尿病患者外伤感染护理对策.方法 选择从2017年1月至2018年5月在我院治疗的60例外伤感染的糖尿病患者作为本次研究对象,将其随机分为对照组(30例)与观察组(30
目的 探讨经皮肾穿刺微造瘘与内引流分期治疗结石性脓肾的疗效和临床价值.方法 对78例结石性脓肾患者行一期经皮肾穿刺微造瘘或者内引流,二期行经皮肾输尿管镜取石术或经尿道输尿管镜取石术和肾切除术.结果 64例行一期经皮肾穿刺微造瘘术,14例行一期经尿道输尿管镜置双J管内引流,术后病情均很快平稳.62例行二期经皮肾输尿管镜取石,结石全部取净56例,残留结石6例.11例输尿管中、下段结石二期行经尿道输尿管
多数有斑女孩都有这种担忧,许多有斑女孩不愿去医院做激光,明知道外涂祛斑产品的效果并不理想,仍不断花钱将各类美白产品买回家。其实,返黑并不可怕。怕返黑而拒正确的治疗于千里之外才可怕。  返黑的医学名称为“发炎后色素沉淀”。当皮肤接受激光治疗时,皮肤受到激光的热伤害导致发炎症状,皮肤发炎后产生一种色素反应,使在激光作用下淡化的斑点重新变黑或变为深咖啡色。这种现象往往让人产生“激光祛斑没有效果”的想法。