,Pressure-Induced Phase Transition of V2O3

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qtl8866
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In situ high pressure experiment of V2 O3 is carried out by means of synchrotron radiation angle dispersive x-ray diffraction with the diamond anvil cell technique up to about 42 GPa at room temperature.A reversible phase transition unreported previously is observed at above 31 GPa.The c-axis compressibility of corundum-type V2 O3 shows an abnormal behavior,i.e.,the axial length increasing up to 9 GPa then decreasing at higher pressures,which could be attributed to the 3d electronic interaction.The results of compression for V2O3 are described by the second-order Birch-Muaghan equation of state with V0 =300.2(4) (A)3 and B0 =255(9) GPa.
1982 年12 月21 日晚,瑞士沃德镇35 岁的居民皮穆西玛到他的同事米歇尔家聊天。大约在8 时40 分,他告别朋友驱车返回。在平时天气好的时候,这段路大约要走15~20 分钟。当时天下着雪,车速只能在每小时70 千米以内,这样大约需要半个小时。  皮穆西玛与米歇尔聊天聊得很高兴,他吸着烟,一边开车一边哼着小调。他拐过一道弯,车子沿着左边一片林子奔驰。这是一个偏僻荒凉的地段,他的右侧是田野和草
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