Physical chemical and biological characterization of a new bacteriocin produced by Bacillus cereus N

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rual7007
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Objective:To screen the bacteriocinogenic isolate from buffalo milk and to characterize it on physical,chemical and biological aspects for the application in biopreservation.Methods:Bacillus cereus(B.cereus)was isolated and assessed for its baceteriocinogenic activity.Bacteriocin was produced and purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation,dialysis and gel filtration chromatography.Purified bacteriocin was used to clieck its antimicrobial activity against food borne bacteria.Effect and stability of bacteripcin was determined with the respect to temperature,pH,enzymes,organic solvents and chemicals.Bacteriocin was also subjected to SDS PAGE analysis to determine its molecular weight.In addition,functional groups exist in the bacteriocin was determined by FTIR analysis.Results:B.cereus was identified by 16S rRNA sequence analysis.Bacteriocin showed increased activity against all the bacteria used and its activity unit was found to be 51,200 AU/mL.It was stable to high temperature(100℃)and wide range of pH(3-10),sensitive to proteolytic enzymes and resistant to nonprotcolytic enzymes.It was low molecular weight(3.5-6 kDa)protein and FTIR study revealed the presence of amide group and NH stretching,Conclusions:Bacteriocin produced in this study possesses the highest antimicrobial activity against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria thereby it has immense application as biopreservative agent.FTIR proved its peptide nature. Objective: To screen the bacteriocinogenic isolate from buffalo milk and to characterize it on physical, chemical and biological aspects for the application in biopreservation. Methods: Bacillus cereus (B. cereus) was isolated and assessed for its baceteriocinogenic activity. Bacteriocin was produced and purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, dialysis and gel filtration chromatography. Purified bacteriocin was used to clieck its antimicrobial activity against food borne bacteria. Effect and stability of bacteripcin was determined with the respect to temperature, pH, enzymes, organic solvents and chemicals.Bacteriocin was also subjected to SDS PAGE analysis to determine its molecular weight. In addition, functional groups exist in the bacteriocin was determined by FTIR analysis. Results: B. cereus was identified by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Bacteriocin showed increased activity against all the bacteria used and its activity unit was found to be 51,200 AU / mL. It was stable to high temperature (100 ° C) and wide range of pH (3-10), sensitive to proteolytic enzymes and resistant to nonprotolytic enzymes. It was low molecular weight (3.5-6 kDa) protein and FTIR study revealed the presence of amide groups and NH stretching, Conclusions: Bacteriocin produced in this study possesses the highest antimicrobial activity against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria so it has immense application as biopreservative agent. FTIR proved its peptide nature.
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1 问题的提出 国家教委92年颁发的《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》规定:“理论知识教学时数不得少于教学总时数的12%”。这个规定更加强调了理论教学的重要性。 长