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彭阳县委在抓农村党建工作中,确实动了脑筋,下了功夫,他们的经验和做法有发展、有创新,动真招、见实效,提高了党员干部队伍的整体素质,得到了农民群众的支持和拥护,值得认真总结、完善、推广。彭阳县是80年代初新设立的一个山区穷县。建县之初,各方面都比较落后。但这里的干部群众没有被困难所吓倒,他们借助国家和自治区的支持帮助,在历届县委、政府的坚强领导下,凭着一种锲而不舍、艰苦创业的精神,立足本县实际,大搞农田水利基本建设,改善生态环境,积极发展林果、草畜等特色产业和农副产品加工业,推动全县经济持续发展,农民收入大幅增加,率先在南部山区实现了稳定解决群众温饱的目标,初步实现了“山变绿、水变清、地变平、人变富”的目标,林木覆盖率、人均高标准基本农田数量、农民人均纯收入、工业增加值增幅等指标处于山区各县的前面,先后获得全国水土保持先进县、全国造林绿化先进县等多项荣誉,彭阳县城已由一个落后小镇发展成为一个具有一定规模、绿化比较好、环境比较整洁的新兴城镇。彭阳各族干部群众在20年的奋斗历程中,形成了“勇于探索,团结务实,锲而不舍,艰苦创业”的彭阳精神,激励着彭阳人民向新的目标奋进。彭阳县加强和改进农村基层党组织建设的经验和做法,得到了中央领导同志和中央党建工作领导小组的重视和肯定,《人民日报》专门向全国介绍推广。彭阳县的经 Pengyang County Party committees grasping the work of building the rural areas, really braved the brain, under the kung fu, their experience and practice of development, innovation, move really move, see the effectiveness of the party members and cadres to improve the overall quality of the masses by the peasants The support and support, it is worth serious summary, perfect, promotion. Pengyang County is a newly established mountainous poor county in the early 1980s. At the beginning of Jianxian County, all aspects are relatively backward. However, the cadres and masses here have not been intimidated by the difficulties. With the help and support of the state and the autonomous regions, with the strong leadership of previous county committees and governments, and based on the spirit of perseverance and arduous pioneering work, they have fostered farmland Improve water conservancy construction, improve the ecological environment, actively develop special industries such as forestry, grass and livestock and processing industries of agricultural and sideline products, and promote the sustained economic development of the county with a sharp increase in peasants' incomes; take the lead in achieving the objective of a stable solution to the food and clothing problem in the mountainous areas of the south; Achieved “mountain green, water becomes clear, flattening, people become rich ” goal, forest coverage, per capita high standard of basic farmland, per capita net income of farmers, industrial added value increases and other indicators in the mountains counties , Has won many honors such as the national advanced county of soil and water conservation, the advanced county of afforestation in China, etc. The town of Pengyang has been developed from a backward town into an emerging town with a certain scale, better afforestation and neater environment. In the course of 20 years of struggle, the people of all ethnic groups in Pengyang formed the Pengyang spirit of “courage to explore, united and pragmatic, perseverance and arduous pioneering”, and inspired the people of Pengyang to forge ahead toward a new goal. The experience and practice of strengthening and improving the construction of rural grass-roots party organizations in Pengyang County have won the attention and affirmation of the leading cadres of the central leading comrades and the party building work in the central authorities. The “People's Daily” devoted the promotion to the whole country. Pengyang County by
矿井发生火灾和瓦斯、煤尘爆炸事故,都要产生大量的一氧化碳(CO)。由于 CO是一种剧毒的气体,所以,它是造成上述诸事故中大量人员伤亡的主要原因之一。因此,我们必须对 CO 的