
来源 :中国高等教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzhutoutuo
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1987年以来,我们在加强党的建设中,着重抓了基层党支部的建设,建立了党支部建设目标管理和评估的制度,使党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用得到了发挥。在1989年春夏之交的政治风波中,100%的党支部做到了与党中央保持一致,旗帜鲜明地反对动乱,100%的党员做到不参与动乱;在这几年的毕业分配工作中,100%毕业生党员带头服从国家分配。特别是在学校各项工作中,广大党员以自身的模范行动,在群众中树立起共产党员的形象。近年来,被学校评为“教书育人先进工作者”的33人中,党员27人,占81.8%;被评为“管理育人、服务育人先进工作者”的34人中,党员30人,占88.2%;获学校“教学优秀奖”的41人中,党员37人,占90.2%。在今年开展的评选“校园青年教师十杰”活动中,当选的有9位是共产党员。由于党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用得到了较好发挥,有力地保证了学校的社会主义办学方向,促进了学校教育改革的深入发展。学校党委也多次得到上级的表彰。我们开展党支部建设目标管理和评估的做法: Since 1987, in strengthening party building, we have focused our efforts on building the grassroots party branches and set up a system for the management and evaluation of the building of the party branches so that the role of party branches in fighting the battle and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members have been brought into play. In the political turmoil at the turn of the spring and summer of 1989, 100% of the Party branches did the same thing as the Central Party Committee, with clear-cut opposition to turmoil and 100% of party members not participating in the turmoil. In these years of graduation and distribution work, 100 % Graduates Party members take the lead in obeying the state’s distribution. Especially in all the school work, the majority of party members, with their own exemplary actions, have established the image of party members among the masses. In recent years, the school was rated as “teaching and educating advanced workers,” the 33 people, 27 were party members, accounting for 81.8%; was named “management of education, education and service of advanced workers,” 34 people Among them, there are 30 party members, accounting for 88.2%. Of the 41 students who received the “Teaching Excellence Award”, 37 were Party members, accounting for 90.2%. In this year’s selection “campus young teachers ten jie ” activities, elected nine are members of the Communist Party. Thanks to the role played by the party branch in fighting the war and the vanguard and exemplary role played by party members, it has effectively ensured the direction of running schools in socialism and promoted the further development of school education reform. School party committee has repeatedly been commended by their superiors. We carry out the goal of building management and evaluation of the party branch:
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