
来源 :高中生之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jplayer2
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纪念是内心情感的涌动,但又不是感情的无节制挥霍;纪念需要行动来升华,但又需要理性的引导。真正的纪念是心灵的回响,是历史的回音:它审视过去,启迪未来……黑格尔曾经自夸德国人天生就是哲学家。然而就是这样一个天生严谨自律的民族,就在一个狂人的引诱下,陷入了战争的渊薮。60年前的那幕惨剧:生灵涂炭、妻离子散、血流成河……生者在对往者的审视中找到道德的标杆,也找到了纪念的理由。德国人用尽一切方法阻止时间淡褪那血色,稀薄那呼声:修建集中营纪念馆,全力处理战后的善后问题,还有那德国总理在犹太人纪念碑前的惊世一跪!德国人在60年里不断的反思,不停的纪念,终于完成了灵魂的自我救赎。德意志民族向世界展示了理性的力量,也赢得了世人的尊敬! Commemoration is the surge of inner feelings, but it is not the uncontrolled squandering of emotions. Commemoration requires action to sublimate, but it also requires rational guidance. The true commemoration is the reverberation of the soul and the echo of history: it examines the past and enlightens the future... Hegel once boasted that the Germans were born philosophers. However, it was such a nation that was naturally rigorous and self-disciplined and, under the lure of a madman, fell into the brink of war. The scene of the tragedy 60 years ago: The creatures were charcoal, their wives were scattered, and the blood flowed into the river... The living people found a moral benchmark in their examination of the passers-by and found the reason for the memorial. The Germans tried every means to prevent time from fading away the blood, thinning the cries: building memorial camps, dealing with the aftermath of the war, and the German Chancellor’s glimpse of the Jewish monument! Germans in 60 years Continual reflection, non-stop commemoration, finally completed the soul’s self-redemption. The German people demonstrated the power of reason to the world and won the respect of the world!
(1995年6月至1996年4月)┏━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━┳━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━┳━━━━┳━━━━━━━┓┃展览会名称 ┃日期 ┃地点 ┃ 内容 ┃索弓f
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