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《那桶阿芒蒂雅朵酒》是艾伦·坡的优秀短篇小说之一。该小说的艺术美主要来自以下两方面艺术特色:采用第一人称叙事,有利于凸显杀人者人格中被忽视的病态、邪恶、阴暗,让读者与复仇者再次一起经历整个谋杀过程,道德和心灵受到震撼;巧妙运用反讽艺术手法,使叙事呈现出明暗相间、话里有话、弦外有音的艺术张力,反衬出人物的疯狂与病态。此外,小说还通过大量呈现人物对话,削减背景信息,删除一切不必要的铺陈,加强作者、人物与读者之间的交流,揭示人物性格特征与内在病态心理;恰当运用象征,强化恐怖效果,加强恐怖气氛。所有这些艺术手法使得故事短小精悍,浑然一体,引人入胜,达到了独特的美学效果,成为短篇小说艺术的经典。 The Amandatia is one of Allan Poe’s best short stories. The artistic beauty of this novel mainly comes from the following two artistic features: The use of first-person narration helps to highlight the neglected morbidities, evil and darkness in the personality of the murderer, so that readers and the avengers can experience the entire murder process together again, and morality and spirituality are affected Shocking; clever use of irony art techniques, so that the narrative shows the light and shade, the words there are voices outside the art of tension, contrasting the crazy and sick characters. In addition, the novel presents a great deal of personal dialogue, reduction of background information, deletion of all unnecessary exhibitions, exchanges between authors, figures and readers, and reveals character and intrinsic morbid psychology of the characters; proper use of symbols to strengthen the effectiveness of terrorism and strengthen Horror All of these artistic techniques make the story short and dignified, seamless and fascinating, reaching a unique aesthetic effect, become a classic of short story art.
黄纬禄 中国科学院院士,国际宇航科学院院士,导弹与控制技术专家。1916年12月18日出生于安徽芜湖市。1940年毕业于中央大学电机系,1943年赴英国实习,1945年在伦敦大学帝国学院攻
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
本文系统地研究了异丙酚对犬的麻醉效果及其对生理机能的影响。试验分为单纯应用异丙酚对犬的麻醉试验和异丙酚复合制剂对犬的麻醉试验两部分。 单纯应用异丙酚对犬的麻醉
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield