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“国有资产流失”是国有企业改制和产权交易中最热门的话题。世界银行驻北京办事处高级专家李春霖先生在《如何界定和防止国企改制中的“国有资产流失”》一文中提出,一方面要防止一些人把这个话题当作一个说词,另一方面的确不可低估这一问题的重要性。他提出,如果一个企业一年的预期收入是10万,参照国债利息5%计算折现率, 卖价达到200万以上,基本上是合理的。文章分析,决定最后成交价的因素是多方面的, 如市场的供求状况、企业的未来收益、企业的重组方案、推销方式等等,很难给出一个确切的答案。文章认为应该采取“底价加竞争”的方法来防止“国有资产流失”。 The “loss of state assets” is the hottest topic in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and transactions in property rights. Mr. Li Chunlin, senior expert on the Beijing office of the World Bank, put forward his article “How to Define and Prevent the Loss of State-owned Assets in the Restructuring of State-owned Enterprises”. On the one hand, we should prevent some people from using this topic as a rhetoric. On the other hand, The importance of underestimating this issue. He proposed that if an enterprise expected income of 100,000 a year, with reference to the interest of 5% of national debt discount rate, the selling price reached 2000000 above, basically is reasonable. Article analysis, determine the final price factors are many, such as market supply and demand, the future earnings of enterprises, corporate restructuring programs, marketing methods, etc., it is difficult to give a definitive answer. The article thinks that we should adopt the method of “reserve price plus competition” to prevent “loss of state assets”.
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