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各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校:省公安厅拟定的《关于进一步深化户籍管理制度改革的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。深化户籍管理制度改革,是全面贯彻落实党的十六大、十六届三中全会和省委工作会议精神,加快我省城市化进程,促进城乡统筹发展和人口合理有序流动的重大举措。各市一定要高度重视,按照积极稳妥的原则,加强领导,周密部署,精心组织,扎实工作,保证户籍制度改革顺利进行。为确保改革措施落到实处,各市要根据本通知精神,结合当地实际,抓紧制定具体的户籍管理制度改革实施方案,于2004年10月1日前报省政府核准后实施。山东省人民政府办公厅二○○四年八月十二日 People’s governments in all cities, people’s governments of all counties (cities, districts), departments of provincial governments, all subordinate agencies, major enterprises and colleges and universities: The Opinions on Further Deepening the Reform of Household Registration Management System formulated by the Provincial Public Security Bureau The government agrees to forward it to you now, and please conscientiously implement it. Deepening the reform of the household registration management system is a major move to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 16th CPC Congress, the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the provincial party committee work conference, speed up the process of urbanization in our province, and promote the overall development of urban and rural areas and a rational and orderly population flow. Municipalities must attach great importance to them and strengthen their leadership and careful deployment in accordance with the principle of active and sound management. They carefully organize and work solidly to ensure the smooth implementation of the reform of the household registration system. In order to ensure that the reform measures are implemented in a down-to-earth manner, all municipalities should, according to the spirit of this circular and in light of the actual situation in the region, step up the formulation of specific implementation plans for the reform of the household registration system and implement them after being submitted to the provincial government for approval before October 1, 2004. Shandong Provincial People’s Government Office August 12, 2004
和你同行     开学初,我在班上宣布:本学期我要和张军结伴同行,组成互帮小组。  我问:“张军,你愿意与我同行吗?”  张军在同学们的掌声中红着脸站了起来,怯怯地说:“我愿意!”  我走到张军身边,握着他的手说:“那好,咱们可要风雨同舟,相互帮助哦。”  张军激动地点头。  第二天,我送给张军一本日记本,上面写着:“赠张军同学:坚定信心,从现在做起,享受学习的快乐!你的班主任。”  于是,我们便
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