Modelling of Equilibrium Grain Boundary Solute Segregation under Irradiation

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxingchuang
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Both radiation-induced excess vacancies and solute-interstitials may enhance solute diffusion. The radiation-enhanced solute diffusion promotes the kinetic process of equilibrium segregation. This effect is especially considerable in the low temperature range. As a complement to modelling of radiation-induced non-equilibrium segregation, the radiation-created vacancy and solute-interstitial-accelerated equilibrium grain boundary solute segregation were theoretically treated. The models were applied to phosphorus segregation in α-Fe subjected to neutron irradiation. Both radiation-induced excess vacancies and solute-interstitials may enhance solute diffusion. The radiation-enhanced solute diffusion promotes the kinetic process of equilibrium segregation. This effect is especially considerable in the low temperature range. As a complement to modeling of radiation-induced non- -equilibrium segregation, the radiation-created vacancy and solute-interstitial-accelerated equilibrium grain boundary solute segregation were theoretically treated. The models were applied to phosphorus segregation in α-Fe subjected to neutron irradiation.
1 企业基本情况rn云南三江并流农业科技股份有限公司成立于2004年12月29日,公司注册资本为9000万元,统一社会信用代码:9153010076709900XE.公司于2015年10月13日在新三板挂牌
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