
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rcs84719
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令箭荷花,属于附生型的仙人掌科植物,花大色艳,花形美丽,风姿脱俗,十分高雅,是一种色彩、姿态、香气兼备的优良盆花。怎样提高其观赏价值呢?笔者提出栽培技术要点如下,可供参考。1.换盆。每隔1年于春季或秋季换盆1次,换盆时,去掉部分陈土和朽根,补充新的培养土(腐叶土4份、园土3份、堆土2份、砂土1份混合配制),并放入蹄片作基肥。2.施肥。令箭荷花喜肥,生长季节每隔15~20天施1次腐熟的稀薄饼肥水,春节后改为隔10天施一次液肥,并要抹去过多的侧芽和基部枝芽,减少养分消耗,保持株形整齐美观。现蕾期增施1~2次速效性磷肥,促其花大色艳,每次施肥后及时浇水和松土。 The arrow lotus, belongs to epiphytic cactaceae plants, flower large color Yan, flower-shaped beautiful, refined and refined, very elegant, is a color, posture, both the good aroma of potted plants. How to improve its ornamental value? The author puts forward the following points for cultivation techniques for reference. Change the basin Every 1 year in the spring or autumn 1 basin change, remove the part of the soil and decayed roots, add new culture soil (leaf 4 parts, 3 parts of soil, 2 parts of soil, sand 1 Parts mixed preparation), and into the shoe as a base fertilizer. Fertilization So that the arrow lotus hi fat, the growing season every 15 to 20 days Shi 1 times the maturity of the pancake fertilizer, after the Spring Festival to change every 10 days to apply a liquid fertilizer, and to erase too much lateral buds and buds at the base to reduce nutrient consumption, Keep the plant shape neat and beautiful. During the budding period, an additional 1 or 2 times of quick-acting phosphate fertilizer will be applied to promote its large flower color. Watering and loosening shall be carried out in time after each fertilization.
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