
来源 :内燃机学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kxianwen
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吉林工业大学内燃机研究所由机械工业部农机局于1986年1月批准成立。现设新产品及新技术开发、内燃机工作过程、测试技术及仪器设备三个研究室及所属实验室。中国内燃机产品质量监督检测中心长春检测站、长春市内燃机产品质量监督检验站、吉林省和长春市内燃机学会秘书处均设在该所,并是中国内燃机工业协会筹委会副主任单位。所长孙济美教授、副所长牟永泉副教授兼内燃机检测站主任。该所拥有较先进的仪器设备和试验装置,有成员24人,中级以上职称者占71%。此外每年在所内从事研究工作和毕业设计的博士、硕士研究生及本科生20余人。该所还同校内有关学科与专业签订了长期的合作协议,以发挥高等学校多学科综合技术力量强的优势。几年来该所承担了“七五”规划国家重点科技攻关项目;部、省级课题及工厂委托的开 Jilin Institute of Technology Institute of internal combustion engine by the Ministry of Machinery Industry Agricultural Bureau in January 1986 approved the establishment. Is the establishment of new products and new technology development, internal combustion engine working process, testing technology and equipment three laboratories and their laboratories. China’s internal combustion engine product quality supervision and inspection center Changchun testing station, Changchun City, internal combustion engine product quality supervision and inspection station, Jilin Province and Changchun City Institute of Internal Combustion Engineers are located in the Institute, and is the China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association Deputy Director units. Director Professor Sun Jimei, deputy director Mu Yongquan associate professor and internal combustion engine inspection station director. The Institute has more advanced equipment and test equipment, a member of 24 people, mid-level titles accounted for 71%. In addition, each year in the research work and graduate design doctoral, master’s degree and undergraduate more than 20 people. The institute also signed long-term cooperation agreements with relevant disciplines and specialties in schools to give play to the advantages of multidisciplinary and comprehensive technical forces in colleges and universities. In recent years, the institute has taken the national key scientific and technological project of the “Seventh Five-Year Plan”
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