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大连市委书记、市长薄熙来在千禧新年之际发表元旦献辞,对大连1999年的工作和新发展进行了回顾,安排2000年大连的新举措,倍受关注。薄书记在元旦献辞中说:新年的钟声就要敲响了,新世纪、新千年就要到了,我们大家都很有幸,就要跨世纪、跨千年了。过去的一年让人难忘,大事好事多,建国50周年、澳门回归祖国,我们大连也是建设100周年。江泽民总书记亲临大连,而且为我们题词“百年风雨洗礼,北方明珠生辉”,给大连新世纪的发展做了准确 Dalian Municipal Party Committee Secretary and Mayor Bo Xilai delivered a speech on New Year’s Day on the occasion of the new millennium. They reviewed the work and new developments of Dalian in 1999 and arranged new measures in Dalian in 2000, attracting great attention. In his New Year’s Day speech, the secretary said: The bell of the new year is about to ring. In the new century, the new millennium is coming. We are all fortunate to cross the century and cross the millennium. The last year was unforgettable. The events marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the return of Macao to the motherland. We Dalian is also the 100th anniversary of the establishment. General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s visit to Dalian, but also for our inscription, “a hundred years of wind and rain, the Pearl of the North Shenghui” to Dalian in the development of the new century to do accurate
The Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 is the most destructive earthquake in China in the past 30 years in terms of property damage and human losses. In order t
The incidence of hypersensitivity reactions (HR) is increased in patients treated with multiple courses of carboplatin. The purposes of this investigation were
美国“新经济”的崛起 ,引发美国经济持续 1 0年的增长。究其原因主要有 :以信息技术为核心的科技进步 ;经济结构全面性调整 ;成功的宏观调控 ;企业的内部结构和经营方式更加