Immunogenicity and mechanisms impairing the response to vaccines in inflammatory bowel disease

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w2119h
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Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) is an immunological disorder that is usually treated with immunosuppressive therapy,potentially leading to increases in vulnerability to infections. Although many infections can be pre-vented by vaccination,vaccination coverage in these patients in clinical practice is insufficient. Therefore,the seroprotection condition should be verified,even for routine vaccines,such as hepatitis B or pneu-mococcus. Response to vaccines in IBD patients is thought to be impaired due to the immunological alterations generated by the disease and to the immunomodulatory treatments. The immunogenicity of hepatitis B,influenza,and pneumococcal vaccines is impaired in IBD patients,whereas the response to papillomavirus vaccine seems similar to that observed in the healthy population. On the other hand,data on the immunogenicity of tetanus vaccine in IBD patients are conflicting. Studies assessing the response to measles-mumps-rubella,varicella,and herpes zoster vaccines in IBD patients are scarce. The cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the impairment of the response to vaccination in IBD patients are poorly understood. Studies aiming to assess the response to vaccines in IBD patients and to identify the mechanisms involved in their immunogenicity are warranted. A better understanding of the immune response,specifically to vaccines,in patients with immune-mediated diseases(such as IBD),is crucial when developing vaccines that trigger more potent immunologic responses. Preventive to amplitudes in vulnerability to infections. Vaccination, vaccination coverage in these patients in clinical practice is insufficient. , the seroprotection condition should be verified, even for routine vaccines, such as hepatitis B or pneu-mococcus. Response to vaccines in IBD patients is thought to be impaired due to the immunological alterations generated by the disease and to the immunomodulatory treatments. The immunogenicity of hepatitis B, influenza, and pneumococcal vaccines is impaired in IBD patients, whereas the response to papillomavirus vaccine seems similar to that observed in the healthy population. On the other hand, data on the immunogenicity of tetanus vaccine in IBD patients are conflicting. assessing the response to measles-mumps-rubella, varicella, and herpes zoster vaccines in I. The cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for the impairment of the response to vaccination in IBD patients are poorly understood. Studies aiming to assess the response to vaccinations in IBD patients and to identify the mechanisms involved in their immunogenicity are warranted. A better understanding of the immune response, specifically to vaccines, in patients with immune-mediated diseases (such as IBD), is crucial when developing vaccines that trigger more potent immunologic responses.
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