
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rian2sd
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在新课改背景之下,要求初中语文教师在教学中应当提高教学的有效性。随着新课程改革的不断推进,语文教学的新理念也受到广泛的关注,积极构建新型的初中语文教学模式对于提高初中语文教学质量有着关键性的作用。初中语文教学过程中,教师的教学方法对教学质量有着十分重要的保证。课堂教学质量的好坏直接影响教学的有效性,科学的教学方法能够很好地激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们的学习热情。但就目前初中语文教学来看,教师在教学技能等方面仍有很大的欠缺,所以,教师应当不断提升自身的教学技能,在教学过程中积极引导学生进行学习,根据学生特点采取因材施教的方式进行教学。本文就在新课改背景下提出了一些有效教学的策略。 Under the background of the new curriculum reform, it is required that junior high school language teachers should improve their teaching effectiveness in teaching. With the continuous advancement of the new curriculum reform, the new concept of Chinese teaching has also drawn wide attention. The active construction of a new junior high school Chinese teaching model plays a key role in improving the quality of Chinese teaching in junior high schools. In junior high school Chinese teaching process, the teacher’s teaching method has the very important guarantee to the teaching quality. The quality of classroom teaching directly affects the effectiveness of teaching, scientific teaching methods can arouse students’ interest in learning and improve their enthusiasm for learning. However, as far as Chinese teaching in junior middle schools is concerned, teachers are still lacking in teaching skills and other aspects. Therefore, teachers should constantly improve their teaching skills and actively guide students to learn during the teaching process. Students should take measures according to their aptitude Teaching. This article put forward some effective teaching strategies in the context of new curriculum reform.
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地震是对中国企业的成长洗礼大部分中国企业缺乏灾害预警机制,大难临头才发现严重问题。这应该成为企业界的惨痛教训 Earthquake is the Baptism of the Growth of Chinese
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