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“月亮出来亮汪汪、亮汪汪……” 这是一首人们非常熟悉的云南民歌《小河淌水》。1953年,当年仅26岁的歌唱家黄虹在北京的一次全国文艺汇演中唱响它后,这首歌便传遍了全国;1954年,当这首被冠以“东方小夜曲”的云南民歌在布加勒斯特音乐节再次响起时,云南那夜色迷人的月夜,阿妹想念阿哥的一腔柔情,随着柔婉的歌声,象清幽幽的小河流水,潺潺淌进了黄头发、蓝眼睛的欧洲人心间,斯拉夫民族的心和中国云南民族的心在这首 “The moon came out bright bark, bright bark ... ” This is a very familiar people in Yunnan folk song “small river dripping water.” In 1953, when Huang Hong, a 26-year-old singer, sang in a national art show in Beijing, the song spread all over the country. In 1954, the song was titled “Oriental Serenade” Yunnan folk song sounded in the Bucharest Festival again, the charming moon night that night in Yunnan, A miss miss a brother of tenderness, with the soft song, like a quiet secluded river water, gurgling dripping into the yellow hair, blue eyes The hearts of Europeans, the hearts of the Slavic peoples and the hearts of the Chinese Yunnan ethnic groups are in this song
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全蝎为钳蝎科昆虫东业钳蝎的干燥体。性味 :辛 ,平 ;有毒。归肝经 ,具有息风止痉、解毒散结、通络止痛的功效。现今中医临床辩证用药中与它药入汤剂共煎屡见不鲜在某些医院甚
本丛书为“十五”国家重点图书出版规划项目,作者均为著名专家学者、院士等.丛书突出“新”字,旨在反映新方法、 新技术、新进展、新应用,鼓励学科交叉和渗透. This series
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