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去年12月23日,西欧共同市场集团在经过一场激烈的内部争吵之后,通过了一项进一步实施农业“一体化”的新计划。根据已公布的材料,这个计划的主要内容如下: (一)继对谷物、猪肉、家禽、蛋品、蔬菜和水果、酒类等六种农产品(约占六国农业收入的50%)开始实施“一体化”之后,六国将对奶品、大米和牛肉等三种剩下的主要农产品(约占六国农业收入的35%)也实施“一体化”。具体办法是:(1)对奶品和大米的贸易将取消过去的征收关税和规定限额等进口制度,改用限制进口更严的征收进口“差额税”办法,即按进口货同国内市场价格的差额征税,差多少征多少。在1969年年底前逐步统一六国的这两种农产品的价格,以便使彼此间贸易的进口“差额税”逐步消失并对非共同市场国家组成统一的进口壁垒。用对人造奶油征税的办法排挤人造奶油的生产,为六国过剩的黄油找出路。允许西德把 On December 23 last year, after a fierce internal quarrel, the Western European Common Market Group passed a new plan to further implement the “integration” of agriculture. According to the published materials, the main contents of this plan are as follows: (1) Following the implementation of six kinds of agricultural products such as cereals, pork, poultry, egg products, vegetables, fruits, and alcohol (about 50% of the agricultural income of six countries) After the integration, the six countries will also implement “integration” of the remaining three major agricultural products such as dairy, rice, and beef (about 35% of the agricultural income of the six countries). The specific measures are: (1) The trade of dairy products and rice will be cancelled by the past import tariffs and stipulated quotas and other import systems, and the method of imposing stricter import imputation on import “different tax” will be adopted, that is, import prices will be the same as domestic market prices. The difference between the taxation, how much worse sign. By the end of 1969, the prices of the two agricultural products of the six countries should be gradually unified in order to gradually eliminate the “tax difference” in the import of trade with each other and form a unified import barrier for non-communist market countries. To squeeze out the production of margarine with a levy on margarine, to find a way out for surplus butter in the six countries. Allow West Germany to
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过去一个月中,众多新闻媒体报道了某些中国出口产品的质量和安全问题。在本次的“观点”专栏中,中国优势(China Advan-tage)公司,一家向美国和欧洲公司提供外购和供应链管理
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