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为了解决煤矿微震监测孔中检波器问题,研制了一种使用电磁式超级动圈检波器的自动推靠孔中检波器,该检波器使用H电桥控制检波器推靠和回收,能自动监测工作电流,电流过大自动断电保护,使孔中检波器工作稳定可靠。通过性能对比测试,证明该孔中检波器性能良好,满足了微震监测系统孔中监测的需求。 In order to solve the geophone problem in microseismic monitoring boreholes in coal mines, an automatic push-in-geophone detector using electromagnetic super-dynamic detector was developed. The geophone uses H-bridge to control the geophone to push and recover and can automatically monitor Working current, the current is too large automatic power-off protection, so that the hole detector work stable and reliable. Through the performance comparison test, it is proved that the detector in the hole has good performance and meets the requirement of monitoring in the microseismic monitoring system hole.
全面质量管理 ,是英文TotalQualityControl意译 ,缩写TQC ,亦译“综合质量管理” ,它起源于美国 ,后推广到西欧、日本 ,它是由企业全体人员参加的 ,贯穿于生产经营活动全过程的 ,具有全面性的质量管
目的:分析骨性关节炎和骨质疏松患者体重指数(BMI body mass index)与骨密度(BMD bone mineral density)的关系,分析骨性关节炎、骨质疏松患者的身高、体重、女性患者的绝经年
Objective To explore the differences in sensitivity to rapamycin of five esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines with differentiation and the changes of s
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申请公布号:CN104360035A 申请公布日:2015.02.18申请人:北京工业大学  摘要针对当前污水处理过程出水总磷TP测量操作繁琐、仪器设备造价高、测量结果可靠性和精确性低等问题,
他对中国画有较深的研究,对中国水墨传统有较深刻的理解,开水墨富贵竹题材之先河,并于2008年举办《生命礼赞——大梁水墨小品富贵竹专题展》。 He studied Chinese painting