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新世纪伊始,省国防教育委员会领导带领工作组,对全省14个地、州、市暨机关、学校、企业、部队的国防教育工作进行了深入细致的大检查。所到之处,顿觉国防教育的热风扑面而来,陇原大地的国防教育日趋深入人心,陇原儿女的心中已经筑起了新的钢铁长城。警钟常在耳边鸣古人云:“生于忧患,死于安乐”;“居安思危,处治思乱,思则有备,有备无患”。这些蕴含深刻哲理的警世名句,源自饱经沧桑的中华民族对历史经验教训的深刻总结,也是新时期抓好全民国防教育的座右铭。1996年全省第二次国防教育工作会议以来,在各级党、政、军有关部门的领导下,各地各单位始终把国防教育作为党委的一项重要工作列入议事日程,摆上位置;在实际工作中都能自觉地把抓经济建设与开展国防教育协调起来,与维护和巩固社会政治稳定紧密联系起来,从讲政治的高度充分认识国 At the beginning of the new century, the leadership of the provincial committee of defense education led the working group to conduct a thorough and detailed inspection of the national defense education in 14 prefectures, cities and agencies in the province, schools, enterprises and units. Wherever he went, Dayton felt the hot air of national defense education came from afar. The national defense education in Longyuan became more and more popular. The heart of Longyuan children has built a new steel wall. Alarm often in the ears Ming ancient saying: “Born in trouble, died of peace ”; “vigilant in peace time, treat disorder, thoughtful preparation, preparedness ”. These poetic phrases with profound philosophies originate from the profound summary of historical experiences and lessons learned by the overwhelming Chinese nation and are also the motto for doing a good job of national defense education in the new era. Since the Second National Conference on National Defense Education held in 1996, under the leadership of the relevant departments of the Party, government and military departments at all levels, all localities and units have consistently listed the national defense education as an important task for party committees on the agenda and placed their position on the agenda. In practical work, we can consciously coordinate the construction of economy with the conduct of national defense education, closely link ourselves with the maintenance and consolidation of social and political stability, and fully understand the importance of political
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