
来源 :国外医学(计划生育分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boli257758
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使用宫内节育器(IUD)近两世纪以来,在控制避孕方面被认为比较安全和有效,根据美国1979年人口统计,其带器妊娠率是在6/100妇女年以下,其死亡率为10/1,000,000妇女年。近年很多IUD中心的研究是围绕最常见的副作用即出血、腹痛和脱落,努力寻找发生这些副作用的原因,从而试制避免或减少这些副作用的新型IUD。1975年在泰国清迈(Chiangmai)召开了世界卫生组织宫内节育器会议,专家们亦提出了以上的要求,本文复习了有关IUD与子宫出血四个方面的研究:一、子宫出血与缺铁性贫血的关系;二、各种IUD引起出血的比较;三、IUD引起子宫出血的原因;四、IUD引起子宫出血的防治。 The use of IUDs has been considered safer and more effective in controlling contraception in the past two centuries. According to the 1979 US Census, the pregnancy rate of the IUD was 6/100 women and the mortality rate was 10 / 1,000,000 women’s years. In recent years, many IUD centers have been researching the most common side effects of bleeding, abdominal pain, and shedding, trying to find out the causes of these side effects, and trying out novel IUDs to avoid or reduce these side effects. The WHO IUD meeting was held in Chiangmai, Thailand in 1975. The experts also raised the above requirements. This paper reviews four aspects of IUD and uterine bleeding: First, the uterine bleeding and iron deficiency Sexual anemia; Second, a variety of IUD bleeding caused by comparison; Third, IUD cause of uterine bleeding; Fourth, IUD caused bleeding prevention and treatment.
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作者对1976年秋季同时接种流感A/New Jersey病毒疫苗和500鸡细胞凝集单位的流感B/Hong Kong全病毒或亚病毒疫苗的儿童和成人,作了疫苗反应、血清学应答及1979~1980年冬季乙型
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