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一、建设背景电台直播室是整个广播信号体系中至关重要的环节,是播出音信号的起点。近年来,随着对安全播出与信号质量方面的进一步重视,广西人民广播电台在信号链路,特别是传输信道方面的安全性和冗余性投入,使得整个传输通路得到更好的保障,广西人民广播电台也取得了连续四年无安全播出责任事故的好成绩。安全播出无小事,我们要居安思危。当前的稳定并不代表永久的安全,更不代表没有漏洞。直播室播出调音台就是一个单点故障点。虽然现有的播出调音 First, the construction background Radio studio is a crucial part of the entire broadcast signal system, is the starting point for broadcast audio signal. In recent years, with the emphasis on security broadcasting and signal quality, the safety and redundancy of Guangxi People’s Broadcasting Station in terms of signal links, especially transmission channels, have enabled the entire transmission channel to be better protected. Guangxi People’s Broadcasting Station has also made good achievements in four consecutive years without safe broadcast responsibility accident. Security broadcast no small thing, we must be vigilant in peace time. The current stability does not mean permanent security, nor does it mean that there is no loophole. Live studio broadcast mixer is a single point of failure. Although the existing broadcast tuning
A cw high efficient Ho:YAlO3 laser pumped by 1.91 μm diode-pumped Tm:YLF laser at room temperature is realized. The maximum output power reaches 8.5 W when the
We report on the realization of optical true-time delay(TTD)by a two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide(PCWG).Design and fabrication of the PCWG are investi
The vector finite element method of tetrahedral elements is used to model 3D electromagnetic wave logging response. The tangential component of the vector field
By changing the initial elements, we obtain high-quality samples of A1-Cu-Co decagonal quasicrystals with a wide range of composition. The sizes of the samples
We study a generalized nonlinear Boussinesq equation by introducing a proper functional and constructing the variational iteration sequence with suitable initia
A simple clock enhanced loop of cascaded electro-absorption modulators(EAMs)and 10GHz clock recovery modules is presented.The intensity of harmonic of clock-fre
当前,国际上各种思想文化交流、交融、交锋更加频繁,围绕发展模式与价值观的竞争日益激烈。面对尖锐复杂的局面,从容应对思想政治工作面临的挑战,我们要一以贯之、毫不动摇地坚持党对高校工作的领导,推动高校党建工作由 “服务”向“引领”提升、由“党务”工作向“党建”工作提升,固思想、政治、文化之本,强理论、组织、作风之基,使高校始终成为培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人的坚强阵地。  一是实现由“服务”向“引领
小学科学是一门以实验探究为基础的教学课程,如何能够科学高效地在课堂上开展相关实验,让学生走入科学的世界,激发学生的好奇心和探索欲,是课堂质量建设的关键。通过科学安排实验,能够很好地开展课堂教学,巩固教学效果,在激发学生好奇心的同时,促进科学教学效果的不断提升。  直观演示,猜测多元结果  对于小学阶段的学生而言,他们往往缺乏完善的知识框架和常识储备,面对课本上的知识,很难形成较好的转化,因此往往会