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2021年4月中旬,CIMT 2021展会在北京圆满落下帷幕。在这场行业盛会上,全球领先的磨料磨具解决方案供应商——圣戈班磨料磨具(以下简称:圣戈班)再次留下浓墨重彩的一笔,其携旗下的主导品牌诺顿及其尖端的磨削产品和应用方案等集体亮相,用创新科技展现核心实力,站在数字化浪潮之巅,引领行业新方向。
To achieve efficient photocatalytic H2 generation from water using earth-abundant and cost-effective materials,a simple synthesis method for carbon-doped CdS pa
2021年4月中旬,伴随着第十七届中国国际机床展览会(CIMT 2021)的圆满落幕,机床工具行业再次吹响新征程的号角。在这场行业盛会中,企业纷纷亮出各自最前沿的科技创新成果,并传递出最尖端的技术理念。作为深耕工业金属机械加工领域的匠心企业,京瓷全方位展示了最新的产品和技术解决方案,从大切深高进给立铣刀MFH Boost,到各种加工解决方案,无一不彰显出京瓷的品牌魅力。
IoT devices like smartphones have become an important personal assistant and an indispensable part of our daily life and work.As more and more users storing their private data on their mobile phones,it becomes imperative to develop secure mobile operating
Heteroatom-doping of carbocatalysts has been a powerful strategy to remarkably enhance the catalytic performance.Herein,the underlying nature of N promotional e
The neutral particle analyzer(NPA)is one of the crucial diagnostic devices in a Tokamak facility.The stripping unit is one of the main parts of the NPA.A windowless gas-stripping room with two differential pipes has been constructed in a parallel electric
Real-time feedback control of vertical growth rate,called gamma control,has been successfully applied to experimental advanced superconducting tokamak(EAST).In this paper,a new gamma control method is proposed to regulate the vertical growth rate,which is
Positron sources are one of the most important components of the injector of a circular electron positron collector(CEPC).The CEPC is designed as an e+e-col-lid